Friendship: "EU needs to recognise the importance and significance of this historic step"

nations europe


ETAren erabakiaz jabetzeko eta bake prozesuan inplikatzeko eskatu dio Friendship taldeak Europari//

Eraso ekintza armatuak ez egiteko erabakia "aldebakarrekoa eta baldintzarik gabekoa" izatea azpimarratu du Euskal Herriko bake prozesuaren aldeko taldeak agiri batean. Espainiari eta Frantziari "giza eskubideak, zibilak eta politikoak" errespetatzeko eskatu die, eta ezker abertzalearen legeztatzea beharrezkotzat jo du.

El Friendship insta a la Unión Europea a que reconozca la "trascendencia del histórico paso" de ETA e impulse el proceso//

El grupo de apoyo a un proceso de paz surgido en el Parlamento Europeo considera que la última declaración de ETA supone "un paso adelante muy importante" en la creación de condiciones para construir un proceso de paz inclusivo y ha pedido a las instituciones europeas, a los gobiernos español y francés, a todos los agentes políticos y sociales vascos y a la comunidad internacional "un compromiso especial" para actuar con responsabilidad, promover y participar en un proceso inclusivo basado en el diálogo y la negociación.


Friendship statement on ETA’s announcement:

We want to welcome very warmly the decision of ETA announcing the indefinite cessation of armed actions.
It is important to note the unilateral and unconditional nature of this cessation.

We believe this decision is a very important step forward in the creation of necessary conditions to build up an inclusive peace process, making it irreversible.


Friendship statement on ETA’s announcement:

We want to welcome very warmly the decision of ETA announcing the indefinite cessation of armed actions.
It is important to note the unilateral and unconditional nature of this cessation.

We believe this decision is a very important step forward in the creation of necessary conditions to build up an inclusive peace process, making it irreversible.


Friendship statement on ETA’s announcement:

We want to welcome very warmly the decision of ETA announcing the indefinite cessation of armed actions.
It is important to note the unilateral and unconditional nature of this cessation.

We believe this decision is a very important step forward in the creation of necessary conditions to build up an inclusive peace process, making it irreversible.


Euskal Herriko bake prozesuaren alde Europako Parlamentuan osatutako Friendship taldeak dei berezia egin dio gaur EB Europako Batasunari. "EBk jabetu behar du ETAren pauso historikoaren garrantziaz". Horregatik, Europako erakundeei eskatu die prozesuan inplikatzeko eta hura sustatzeko, "arrakasta lor dezan".

ETAk eraso ekintza armatuak ez egiteko hartutako erabakia -irailaren 5ean jakinarazi zuen- "aldebakarrekoa eta baldintzarik gabekoa" izatea azpimarratu du Friendshipek gaur, agiri batean. "Pauso hori bake prozesuarentzat beharrezkoak diren baldintzak eraikitzeko hagitz garrantzitsua da". Prozesua "atzeraezina" bilaka dezakeela ere uste du taldeak.

Prozesua ahalbidetzeko lau puntuko eskaera egin du Friendshipek. Bertan, Europako Parlamentuak 2006ko urrian Euskal Herriko bake prozesuaren alde onartutako ebazpena kontuan hartzeko eskatu dio EBri. Prozesuak euskal herritarrek euren etorkizuna erabakitzeko duten eskubidea "bermatu" beharko lukeela uste du Friendshipek.

Espainiari eta Frantziari eskatu die "giza eskubideak, zibilak eta politikoak" errespetatzeko. "Epaitegi bereziak" eta Euskal Herriko ordezkari eta alderdi politikoen kontrako neurriak bertan behera uzteko eskaera ere egin die. Horregatik, ezker abertzalea legeztatzeko galdegin du, honek "bide baketsu, politiko eta demokratikoen" alde egin duen hautuagatik.

Euskal alderdiei eta eragileei elkarrizketan eta negoziazioan oinarritutako prozesuan "murgiltzeko" deia egin die, eta nazioarteari, berriz, "erantzun eraikitzailea" emateko, Euskal Herrian "eskenatoki baketsu eta demokratikoa" sortzen laguntzeko.


BRUSELAS-. El Friendship, grupo de apoyo de europarlamentarios creado en 2006 para respaldar un proceso de solución en Euskal Herria, ha saludado "calurosamente" la última declaración de ETA en la que anunció "el cese indefinido de las acciones armadas" y ha destacado que supone "un paso adelante muy importante" para crear las condiciones necesarias para construir un proceso de paz inclusivo", por lo que lo considera "irreversible".

En la nota que ha hecho pública, el Friendship subraya que "es importante tener en cuenta el carácter unilateral e incondicional" de la decisión de la organización armada.

En su opinión, la Unión Europea "tiene que reconocer la importancia y trascendencia de este paso histórico", que a su juicio abre "la oportunidad de poner fin al último conflicto armado en Europa".

"Compromiso especial"

Los integrantes del grupo de apoyo expresan su compromiso de seguir trabajando "para crear un escenario pacífico y democrático permanente" en Euskal Herria y, con el fin de que eso sea posible, reclaman un "compromiso especial" a las instituciones europeas, a los gobiernos español y francés, a todos los agentes políticos y sociales vascos y a la comunidad internacional.

En concreto, a Madrid y París les solicitan que "actúen con responsabilidad histórica" y suspendan "los tribunales excepcionales y todas las acusaciones y medidas contra los partidos políticos vascos y sus representantes". Consideran, en ese sentido, que para que se establezca "el diálogo necesario y la negociación" entre las partes, "los derechos de todos los partidos tienen que ser respetados por igual".

Asimismo, reclaman a los gobiernos de Zapatero y Sarkozy que respeten "los derechos civiles, políticos y humanos de todos los ciudadanos vascos, sin excepción".

Para el Friendship, "el compromiso de la izquierda abertzale con fines exclusivamente pacíficos, con la vía política y democrática y con los Principios Mitchell como guía para las conversaciones multipartitas, necesariamente exige el levantamiento de la prohibición de ese movimiento político".

Garantizar el derecho de los vascos a decidir su futuro

A los agentes políticos y sociales vascos les solicitan que participen "en un proceso de paz inclusivo que, basándose en el diálogo y la negociación, lograría a acuerdos sobre la resolución del conflicto".

Tras recordar la declaración aprobada por el Parlamento Europeo en octubre de 2006, se dirigen también a ese órgano, a la Comisión Europea y al Consejo Europeo, para pedirles que "actúen en consecuencia, participen en el proceso" y lo promuevan, "con el fin de que sea un éxito".

Ese proceso, a juicio del Friendship, "debe garantizar el derecho de los vascos a decidir su futuro libremente", y "el respeto a esa decisión por parte de las instituciones españolas, francesas y europeas es la clave fundamental para alcanzar la democracia y una paz estable y duradera en el País Vasco".

Finalmente, y teniendo en cuenta la Declaración de Bruselas, piden a la comunidad internacional que "responda de forma constructiva ayudando a la creación de un escenario pacífico y democrático" en Euskal Herria.


The EU needs to recognise the importance and significance of this historic step. A step that gives the opportunity to end the last ongoing armed conflict in Europe.

We, as a friendship towards a peace process in the Basque Country, commit ourselves once again to continue working to create a peaceful and democratic permanent scenario in the Basque Country.

In order to make this possible we ask for special commitment to:

1. Spanish and French governments: to act with historical responsibility and suspend the exceptional tribunals, and all indictments and measures against Basque political parties and representatives. In order to create necessary dialogue and negotiation among the parties, the rights of every party have to be equally respected. We ask Spanish and French governments to respect civil, political and human rights for all Basque citizens without exception. The commitment of Abertzale Left to exclusively peaceful, political and democratic means and towards the Mitchell Principles as guidelines for multiparty talks necessarily demands the unbanning of this political movement.

2. All Basque political and social actors to get involved in an inclusive peace process that being base on dialogue and negotiation would find necessary agreements on the resolution of the Basque conflict.

3. Taking into account the resolution on the Basque peace process adopted by the EU parliament on October 2006, we ask the European Parliament, the European Commission, and the European Council to act consequently, getting involved in the process and promoting it in order to make it a success. A process that should guarantee the right of the Basques to decide their future freely. Respect for this decision on the part of the Spanish, French and European institutions is the fundamental key to achieving and endurable and stable peace and democracy in the Basque Country.

4. Taking into account the Brussels Declaration, we ask international community to respond constructively helping on the creation of a peaceful and democratic scenario in the Basque Country.

Friendship Group.
European Parliament, 15th September 2010.


The EU needs to recognise the importance and significance of this historic step. A step that gives the opportunity to end the last ongoing armed conflict in Europe.

We, as a friendship towards a peace process in the Basque Country, commit ourselves once again to continue working to create a peaceful and democratic permanent scenario in the Basque Country.

In order to make this possible we ask for special commitment to:

1. Spanish and French governments: to act with historical responsibility and suspend the exceptional tribunals, and all indictments and measures against Basque political parties and representatives. In order to create necessary dialogue and negotiation among the parties, the rights of every party have to be equally respected. We ask Spanish and French governments to respect civil, political and human rights for all Basque citizens without exception. The commitment of Abertzale Left to exclusively peaceful, political and democratic means and towards the Mitchell Principles as guidelines for multiparty talks necessarily demands the unbanning of this political movement.

2. All Basque political and social actors to get involved in an inclusive peace process that being base on dialogue and negotiation would find necessary agreements on the resolution of the Basque conflict.

3. Taking into account the resolution on the Basque peace process adopted by the EU parliament on October 2006, we ask the European Parliament, the European Commission, and the European Council to act consequently, getting involved in the process and promoting it in order to make it a success. A process that should guarantee the right of the Basques to decide their future freely. Respect for this decision on the part of the Spanish, French and European institutions is the fundamental key to achieving and endurable and stable peace and democracy in the Basque Country.

4. Taking into account the Brussels Declaration, we ask international community to respond constructively helping on the creation of a peaceful and democratic scenario in the Basque Country.

Friendship Group.
European Parliament, 15th September 2010.


The EU needs to recognise the importance and significance of this historic step. A step that gives the opportunity to end the last ongoing armed conflict in Europe.

We, as a friendship towards a peace process in the Basque Country, commit ourselves once again to continue working to create a peaceful and democratic permanent scenario in the Basque Country.

In order to make this possible we ask for special commitment to:

1. Spanish and French governments: to act with historical responsibility and suspend the exceptional tribunals, and all indictments and measures against Basque political parties and representatives. In order to create necessary dialogue and negotiation among the parties, the rights of every party have to be equally respected. We ask Spanish and French governments to respect civil, political and human rights for all Basque citizens without exception. The commitment of Abertzale Left to exclusively peaceful, political and democratic means and towards the Mitchell Principles as guidelines for multiparty talks necessarily demands the unbanning of this political movement.

2. All Basque political and social actors to get involved in an inclusive peace process that being base on dialogue and negotiation would find necessary agreements on the resolution of the Basque conflict.

3. Taking into account the resolution on the Basque peace process adopted by the EU parliament on October 2006, we ask the European Parliament, the European Commission, and the European Council to act consequently, getting involved in the process and promoting it in order to make it a success. A process that should guarantee the right of the Basques to decide their future freely. Respect for this decision on the part of the Spanish, French and European institutions is the fundamental key to achieving and endurable and stable peace and democracy in the Basque Country.

4. Taking into account the Brussels Declaration, we ask international community to respond constructively helping on the creation of a peaceful and democratic scenario in the Basque Country.

Friendship Group.
European Parliament, 15th September 2010.